(転貼)Hitachi 和 NEC 與約 70 個企業組成 iOS 聯盟,意欲提升日本企業應用開發推廣效率

Posted in Apple on June 22nd, 2012 by Banbanli

日本本土大概有 70 個企業組成了一個 iOS 聯盟,其中不乏 Hitachi 和 NEC 這樣的巨頭。這個聯盟的目的是致力於為 iPhone 和 iPad 開發更多的企業應用軟體,為企業使用者使用蘋果產品提供盡可能的支援,包括培養軟體發展工程師,從而提升 iOS 平臺上的開發經驗;管理推廣軟體專案,意味著一旦應用上架也會協助在聯盟內推廣。現在雖然只有 70 個企業,不過他們的目標是達到 600 多個會員數。

從這個角度上來看,這個聯盟將有助於日本企業更好地利用 iOS 設備。蘋果雖然在積極地努力吸引日本的消費者,但比較可惜的是,他們在日本的企業支持框架上卻顯得非常薄弱;這個聯盟將會要求蘋果提供更多的資訊以及技術來説明開發商業應用。同時可以説明日本企業減少開發 iOS 應用軟體的時間和費用,縮短用戶等待的時間。從某種程度上來講,這個聯盟對最終使用者也是有利的。

Intel 日前推出了其全新的集成眾核心架構 Xeon Phi 處理器

Posted in Computer on June 20th, 2012 by Banbanli

Intel 日前推出了其全新的集成眾核心架構 Xeon Phi 處理器(之前代號為 Knights Corner)。這款產品的主要取向是超級電腦,它採用了 Intel 的 22nm 製程、3D 電晶體技術,並擁有超過 50 個核心。另外在效能提升 1 teraflop 的情況下把尺寸也保持得非常好,大小正好插入 PCIe 插槽。未來 Phi 品牌將作為專為高度平行處理設計的共處理器來使用,同時也是 Intel 面對 NVIDIA 這樣的 GPU 廠商進軍超級電腦領域所做出的回應。訪問來源可以閱讀更多相關資訊。


(轉貼)The Inside Story of the Death of Palm and webOS

Posted in Palm on June 16th, 2012 by Banbanli

Posted By: Ryan Kairer Tuesday, June 05, 2012 11:59:16 AM
The Verge has published an excellent insiders look into the “death of Palm and webOS.” The well researched article looks back at Palm’s efforts to revive the platform and companies fortunes in the last five years of its existence.

The piece, which includes quotes and commentary from a number of former Palm employees and engineers, primarily focuses on the efforts of building and launching webOS and the ensuing struggle to market.

History has proven that tossing out a familiar platform that prints money for your business and starting anew isn’t easy: just ask Apple and Microsoft, whose next-generation desktop operating systems in the 1990s (codenamed “Copland” and “Cairo,” respectively) floundered aimlessly for years before being replaced with other initiatives. The politics of a mobile platform are no different. The entire process can quickly devolve into a holy war, it turns out, never mind the risk of alienating your users and third-party developers — the very people by whom any platform is ultimately made or broken.